Renewing Bitnami’s Let’sEncrypt SSL Certificate

Blogs, Snippets
I use Bitnami wordpress and it comes with built in Let'sEncrypt SSL option for secured website. Previously I used to install this Let'sEncrypt independently, but in past few years this free SSL certificate comes preinstalled in Bitnami image. Recently, the certificate got expired and I found this thread with simple steps below to renew it Step 1: Stop the running script Run below command to stop the running script. sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop I couldn't find the ./opt/ folder, so I went inside ./stack/ Step 2: Update the certificate Run the below script with correct EMAIL-ADDRSS and DOMAIN ( to which you need the certificate. sudo /opt/bitnami/letsencrypt/lego --tls --email="EMAIL-ADDRESS" --domains="DOMAIN" --path="/opt/bitnami/letsencrypt" renew --days 90 Step 3: Restart the script Finally start the server with the command below. sudo /opt/bitnami/ start
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Red arrow shortcut glyph on icon in Windows

Blogs, Snippets
After using the hardlink (instead of symbolic link in Link Shell Extension) I noticed this Red arrow shortcut glyph right on the source file from which I created the hardlink to other location. Strangely, Windows Explorer didn't show the hardlink indication however XYplorer showed this clearly. You may mistaken that red arrow is a shortcut but it's actually the source file. Red arrow glyph appearing on XYplorer but not in Window explorer for hardlinked source.
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WP: Plugin download or update error

There are many solutions around the web for this but for me, a temporary solution worked in a way when I made all of the root files read+write from /opt/ as below. Since I'm working on a separate copy of WP in my local drive, its not too risky to do this. $sudo chmod -R a+r+w opt/ And then removing the temporary directory (commenting out) mentioned in the wp-config.php file //define('WP_TEMP_DIR', '/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/tmp');//define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/tmp/');
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Arity & Currying

Blogs, Snippets
This is a series of blogs where I collect some interesting programming concepts, new things I learn Arity represents the number of arguments we pass to a function (or module). Say you may pass N args to a function. Currying is the process of reducing the number of arguments you pass to 1 but increase the number of functions to N. For Eg. To add three variables a, b and c you may write func like below function add (a,b,c){ return a+b+c; } add (45, 46, 47); Currying the same above function is then like below function add (a){ return function add (b){ return function add (c){ return a+b+c; }; }; } add (45) (46) (47); Notice how each function returns another function until the last function does the final…
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My Favorite Linux Command line tools & Commands

Blogs, Snippets
Disk Space Analyzers df - command This command can quickly give a glance of how much space are consumed and left out on overall level. For example, below image shows that I have consumed 51% of my disc, so I have 49% left out. NCDU The below command worked for me in bitnami stack however there are also other commands for other OSes. The key feature about NCDU is we can analyze from the root folder and easily navigate with arrows and enter the key to see which is occupying more space. Remember to use Ctrl+Z to exit this at any time. sudo apt install ncdu Folder & File Permission Command: chmod Recursive: -RAll Read Write: a+r+w sudo chmod -R a+r+w /FOLDER/
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Native Windows Tools which makes my life easier

Blogs, Snippets
Multi desktop (Ctrl + Win-key + Left or Right arrows) The icon next to Search in taskbar. Task View button on Windows Taskbar Usually I keep 2 desktops in my work PC where one is for my personal works, after all most of the cloud services keeps us busy personally in office ? Two desktops - My preference is to keep one for work and other for personal The shortcuts I use for easy switching the desktops are Cntl + Win-key + Left or Right arrows to switch to the desktop on left or rightTrackpad gesture 3 fingers swipe left or right. (I guess I configured it a while ago in windows settings.) Clipboard History (Win-key + V) Historical Paste This helps me a lot. Once you copy the text…
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Car Driving License process Ireland

Blogs, Snippets
Obtaining a driving license in Ireland looks too cumbersome for beginners. And it's an especially lengthy process if you're from India. Good thing is that if you already have driving experience in India for more than 2 years, then you can reduce your license obtaining cost by about 200 euros with EDT Shortening. For all newcomers, I tried to grasp the steps below to achieve a driving license. Ireland Car Driving Lesson process steps Legends: ? Input to the step? Output from the step⌚ Time for the step? € Price for the step Step 1: Theory Test Practice Use No need for additional materials to practice.Complete all 900 questions on this website and pass at least 10 tests consistently.⌚ 10-20days? €Free? Your knowledge Step 2: Theory test booking ?…
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Snippet: How to show week number in Gmail & Google Calendar

Blogs, Snippets
It's easy to show up week numbers in Gmail calendar view. For this you have to use the settings in Google calendar. Google calendar on Gmail showing week numbers Follow below steps Open Google calendarClick on Settings gear icon in G-calendarScroll down to enable week number visible. Also the same reflects in the Google calendar as below. You can see week number is shown up in left pane calendar and also on the regular large calendar. Week number shown in overview calendar on left pane and also on regular calendar in large pane. Below are screenshots to help achieve this. Step 1 Open Apps --> Calendar Step 2 Open Settings under Google Calendar Step 3 Check the Show week number
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Oracle ODBC Connection & Key Learnings

Blogs, Snippets
Using an Oracle database from LabVIEW is quite jargon journey. From Instant-Client to ODBC, OLE DB, SQL Developer etc, difference between ODBC, ODAC, OLE DB, ADO etc, all can lead one to confusion easily. NI has tried to explain well on this document, it's still not very lucid in other sources like stackoverflow. I'm not confronting here to clarify all those. I found some few key learning are worth sharing. Windows has implicit classification of files between 32bit and 64bit. If you create a file using C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, then it creates pure 32-bit file. Look at this link for more details. LabVIEW connects to the database provider purely based on the LabVIEW bitness. If you use 32-bit LabVIEW, then use the 32-bit data provider and UDL file.Never get confused with Oracle…
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SVN Externals

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog, Snippets
If you are looking to reuse a project which already exists in another project and if you need that new project gets updates of the already existing project then-and-there, there is a very good feature in SVN called as externals to help on this kind of requirements. Advantages You can avoid multiple copies of the same source in SVN/source control repositories. Get updates from the root project as and when there is an update.  So no need to manually copy the project again when there is an update. SVN-logs are maintained for the root project from the new project and hence better historical control. In case you don't need updates from root project, use specific revision to freeze to selective version. How does that works? This can be best explained…
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