FTDI does not communicate after building executable
Questions Question 1 We have purchased a license for FTDI driver for I2C SPI and GPIO from NI. While working with a code we are successful in communicating with the FT4222H chip. But after building the executable, the EXE is not communicating with the chip. Question 2 There are problems when trying to build an application. The Vi is running well, but the executable fails to connect to the FTDI module. There are some dependency problems in the project. What is wrong? We're using LabVIEW 2020, 32-bit. Solution If you get some dependency problems while building the application, it's likely that files are moved to other locations from the regular directory where the library looks for the files. Try following steps to fix this issue, General Troubleshooting guidelines for DLL missing for executable:Step 1. Ensure…