Integrate LabVIEW with Python to access SaaS Services

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog
The world is bombarding with SaaS services all over and it's time to connect LabVIEW to the SaaS world. Most of the SaaS service provides Python API and integrating Python API to LabVIEW is gradually becoming a norm. Recently I spoke on GLA Summit 2021 about how we can integrate the LabVIEW with SaaS services with a producer-consumer loop in the python layer. Demonstration Video This video explains a top-level view of how this really works for a simple email SaaS from mailersend. Presentation Slides Here are the slides where I explained one of the Python to LabVIEW integration techniques that I adopted for integrating the SaaS services to LabVIEW. GLA Summit 2021: Python Integration & Door to SaaS worldDownload
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