FT4222 Driver requires digital signature for Windows 10& 11

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Home Forums FTDI FT4222 LabVIEW Driver Discussions FT4222 Driver requires digital signature for Windows 10& 11

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    • #5580
      Jagadish Prasad


      i am using FT2232H with FT245 mode to communicate with labview. It works in up to windows 7 and requires digital signature for windows 10, 11.

      I need digitally signed driver for FT2232H for labview in windows 11.


    • #5584

      Hi Jagdish Prasad,

      Please review the FTDI link here regarding the change of your corporate identity in the FTDI INF file which affects the digital signature that Microsoft provided FTDI manufacturing.  Essentially when you change the digital signature, then you would need to get a separate digital signature from Microsoft.

      It states that

      How can I submit my driver for certification?
      Microsoft® instituted a device driver certification process to ensure the drivers are functional with their products. Many FTDI customers are interested in changing the FTDI drivers to reflect their corporate identity. This can be done via editing FTDI’s INF files, however, once an INF file has been edited, its original digital signature is no longer valid and needs to be certified. Please see AN_101: Submitting Modified FTDI Drivers for Windows Hardware Certification for a guide on the certification. Please note that Microsoft may update their process and should be supported by Microsoft.

      I hope it answers your issue.  Please feel free to reach out with any further questions.


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