H264 Conversion using FFMPEG

Often I use my iPhone to record video which is recorded in HEVC high compression format. However it doesn't import perfectly in Screenpal that I use for video editing. To convert them to acceptable h.264 format I use the ffmpeg.exe and output in desired file format like mp4, I use the command like below ffmpeg command ffmpeg -i <path-to-input-file.flv> -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac <path-to-output-file.mp4> On the bin folder directory where ffmpeg.exe resides, you can execute this command <path-to-input-file.flv> Path to the input file with extension <path-to-output-file.mp4> Path to the outputfile with extension Exact command Worked From this link I found below command with exact details of yuv formatting required in order to get the output working with Screenpal. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4 -c:v libx264 tells FFmpeg to…
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CI Pipeline To Control Versions to Productions

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog
Embracing Continuous Integration for LabVIEW TestStand Projects After months of advocating for improved control and audit readiness in our software releases, our proposal to introduce a CI pipeline for all production test software (built on the LabVIEW TestStand platform) has been approved! This marks a significant milestone in customer's journey towards more robust, reliable, and compliant software development practices. The need for a CI pipeline became evident through various challenges we encountered with manual processes and fragmented workflows. To illustrate the CI pipeline, the process begins with developers working on their local machines, setting the local experimental builds v0.0.0 to clearly distinguish it as a development version. Upon committing changes to Bitbucket, the build server pulls these changes and updates the change log with commit messages. The build server then…
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CI CD with TestStand Deployment

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog, Snippets
Lately I have been working a lot with TestStand deployment utility to organize the proper release verisoning of TestStand project. One of the consistent feedback of a customer is that they find hard contorl the various TestStand sequence file and numerous versions and dependencies floating around the manufacturing floor. I suggested them to use TestStand deployment utility and put those up in a CI (Continuous Integration) server so that whenever the test engineer changes the sequence, there will be a package spits out from the server with proper versioning. What I really ended up is helping them to setup and burying myself in the mysteries of TestStand deployment utility unknown areas. First thing I came across is the BuildTSD.exe that helps in command line execution for TestStand Deployment utility. I…
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Adventures in LabVIEW GDevCon#4 Developer Conference

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog
Hey there, LabVIEW enthusiasts and curious minds! Buckle up because I'm about to take you on a thrilling ride through the highlights of GDevCon4, the LabVIEW event of the year. Whether you're a seasoned LabVIEW wizard or just dipping your toes into the world of code, this event had something for everyone. So, let's dive into what made G Devcon 4 an absolute must-attend. LabVIEW: More Than Meets the Eye First things first, I need to forget any preconceived notions I had about LabVIEW being confined to the realm of test and measurement. At the conference, I discovered that LabVIEW can boldly go where no LabVIEW has gone before - even to the land of ERP systems! Matthias wowed us with a case where LabVIEW was used to develop an…
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Window Losing Focus

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog, Snippets
TLDR: When any window in Windows OS loses focus after closing a dialog, the best method that works for me to get back to normal behavior is by killing the explorer.exe from the task manager. For safety, I keep the command prompt open so that I can reopen Windows Explorer again if it doesn't reopen automatically. Just pass the explorer.exe command in the command prompt. Quite a few times, I found while working in LabVIEW that when I open some dialogs like VI properties or LabVIEW Options and close those dialogs, focus is lost and my Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+W doesn't work in the previous window I was working with. Initially, I thought it was due to some bug in LabVIEW, but later found that Windows Explorer is taking on some…
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Aptio AMI BIOS – Auto Power ON

Blogs, Snippets
Recently I purchased Trigkey Mini PC and found it hard to set it to auto power on as there are very less documents. Later I found from a Facebook Post that the terminology used for such a setup is different. They use the G3 and S0-S5 keywords instead of lucid terminologies. So to set the Aptio AMI-based PC to Auto Power ON State go to Enter BIOS >> Chipset >> PCH-IO Configuration >> State After G3 and set to S0 State S0 is Auto Power On State S5 is Off State Other State details can be found at this link
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Pipeline: Repository Variables in GitHub Bitbucket for Version Info

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog, Snippets
Recently I've been working a lot with pipelines to automate the build aspects of a LabVIEW framework development and it's quite interesting how it all takes in various directions. To be frank, I think there are too many options when you come into this world from a fixed monolithic application world. Anyways a new learning today is the repository variables used as version info. LabVIEW Project & Version Limitation When it comes to LabVIEW (or maybe in other environments too, I'm not sure), you can save the version info of a built config only to the source file, ie., .lvproj in the LabVIEW case. You can't change this version info in the .lvproj file after your build server builds the executable because you usually don't want the build server to…
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NI-DIAdem & Acquisition History

Blogs, LabVIEW Blog
When I started with DIAdem most recently I felt immediately it's such a powerful tool that I haven't explored. I was intrigued when one of my friends told me that it was originally built by a German company Gfs and later acquired by National Instruments. While searching, I found that pretty much most of the features are very intact including the GUI components from the original software. Here is a glimpse of some of the old docs I can extract. For some reason, NI didn't integrate LabVIEW and DIAdem tightly. Can we consider it as software-killing 😀? Nevertheless, if you have been in LabVIEW and NI platforms for quite a while, never miss a chance to look at DIAdem. I would say the DIAdem market is automotive. A sidenote on…
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Compress-Archive Multiple Paths

Today it took me a while to get this out working for multiple paths (or other words multiple files) to get compressed using Compress-Archive command. If you want to pass multiple paths to Compress-Archive command in PowerShell, give it with comma separation as in this video. https://youtu.be/4FlYiust4Bw
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LabVIEW Merge: Auto-resolve

Do you know that you can automatically merge two VIs developed between two different members as long as there is very no conflict in the same structure? For example, if you have modified one of the states and the other developer modified totally different state, then when you merge with Auto-resolve checkbox enabled, LabVIEW will try to merge both of your changes into a single VI. Auto-Resolve checkbox in Merge Options Options Here in this merge, you can find LabVIEW has resolved between mine (Yours) and other developer work (Theirs).
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