There are many solutions around the web for this but for me, a temporary solution worked in a way when I made all of the root files read+write from /opt/ as below. Since I’m working on a separate copy of WP in my local drive, its not too risky to do this.
$sudo chmod -R a+r+w opt/
And then removing the temporary directory (commenting out) mentioned in the wp-config.php file
//define('WP_TEMP_DIR', '/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/tmp');
//define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/tmp/');
Ajay is a professional developer and architect of NI-LabVIEW applications with extreme interest in getting the hardware connected to LabVIEW and automating the stuff. Recently he is also putting his hands in NI-TestStand to get very dirty on it. He is also a good mentor for the various interns in his career. He is ready to help the people in techie roles.